New thesis in business administration
FEKIS wants to draw attention to new dissertations in the subject of business administration. We have therefore begun work on collecting these in a list, a database. Here we publish information with links to the dissertation at each university. Do you want to be in this list / database? Send your information to
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- Ehnhage, Anna Felicia - Paradoxical consumer enjoyment. A cultural perspective on cigarette consumption Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-02-09
- Ödén, Desirée - Time to Work. Responsibilization and Reification in the Swedish Welfare State Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-02-13
- Qu, Chengcheng - Competition, Division and Unity. The Impact of Market Structures on Trading Quality Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-03-04
- Akhtar, Reema - What if your world is outside the oyster? How highly educated and skilled first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs develop opportunities in knowledge-intensive sectors Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-03-20
- Varvne, Hanna - Oxymoron organizing: travels of the idea of energy efficient oil tankers Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-05-24
- Thornton, Heidi Coral - Sharecom internationalisation: Exploring business models, business ecosystems, and pathways to international expansion Linnéuniversitetet
Datum: 2024-02-15
- Stoopendahl, Patrik - Tracing Smartphone-Enabled Customer Journeys: A Socio-Material Approach Högskolan i Borås
Datum: 2024-05-08
- Varvne, Hanna - Oxymoron Organizing: TraveIs of the Idea of Energy Efficient Oil Tankers Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-04-29
- Dam, Christian - The Resonance of Past-themed Consumption and Marketing Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-05-06
- Winell, Erik - Exploring Fan Engagement and Commercialization in Elite Football Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-09-27
- Parviziomran, Elmira - Cost and financing of the sustainability transition of the Swedish road freight transport sector Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-01-22
- Eiríksdóttir, Lovísa - Being at home in business education: ... with sustainability Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-03-22
- Birksjö, David - Innovative Security Business – Innovation, Standardization, and Industry Dynamics in the Swedish Security Sector, 1992–2012 Södertörns högskola
Datum: 2023-04-21
- Hornbach, Jessica Janina - Accounting for Accountability: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations of a Multifaceted Concept Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2023-04-24
- Anderson, Lakin - Tensions in Transdisciplinary Research: A study of a climate research group Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2023-05-29
- Özlü, Neslihan - The Heterogeneity of Behavior in Operations Processes. Empirical Evidence Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-05-12
- Hoff Rudhult, Maria - SIDA VID SIDA?: Svenska företag i biståndsverksamheten, 1946–2013 | 2023-06-12 Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2023-06-12
- Rahmatdi - Corporate whistleblowing systems in the digital era: Determinants, effects, and disclosure Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2023-10-27
- Oljemark, Markus - Lonely in Company. A qualitative study of loneliness, belonging, and the passion for recognition at work. Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-09-15
- Wandery, Oscar - The Ecstasy of Tragedy. An Ethnograpy of Hospice Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-09-28
- Nussipova, Gulnar - Unpacking the Value of Emerging Technologies. Experimentation, Communication and Knowledge Brokering Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-10-12
- Xiang, Yu - Intricate Involuted Intertwinings: On Accounting, Technology, and Materiality Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-12-15
- Calås, David - Entrepreneurship as Organizing Desire Linnéuniversitetet
Datum: 2023-06-01
- Ludvigsson Wallette, Martin - In (re)search of corporate governance models between markets and hierarchies: The governance of franchising Linnéuniversitetet
Datum: 2023-02-21
- Gashi Nulleshi, Shqipe - Contextualizing Entrepreneurship and Gender: A Life-Story Approach to Rural Family Businesses in Sweden Linnéuniversitetet
Datum: 2023-10-02
- Morillas, Miguel - The Terms of Inclusion: How Migrant Professionals Negotiate Inclusion in Organizations Handelshögskolan Stockholm
Datum: 2023-06-02
- Baldauf, Christoph - Empirical Essays on Retail Logistics and Customer Behavior Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-01-27
- Olsson, Amelia - Political Dimensions of Entrepreneurship – Exploring Competing Discourses in a Marginalized Urban Community Aspiring for Social Change Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-03-07
- Aramian, Fatemeh - Off-exchange Trading in Modern Equity Markets. A Market Microstructure Perspective on Systematic Internalizers Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-01-10
- Barkfeldt, Carl - Asset Mispricing Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-03-11
- Eriksson, Matilda - Entreprenörskapets tysta(de) röster. En narrativ studie om kvinnor som delar sitt liv med en man som är entreprenör Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-01-13
- Södergren, Jonatan - "Woke" Authenticity in Brand Culture. A Patchwork Ethnography Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-02-01
- Casales Morici, Belén - Acting Entrepreneurially and Strategically in Heavily Regulated Sectors Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-05-05
- Mahieddine, Mohamed - Before Audit. Essays on the necessity of imagination Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-05-25
- Gunnarsson, Pierre Erik - Ancillary actor relations: The case of EU’s leading defence primes Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-06-01
- Jönsson, Jayne - Logic Salience : Navigating in institutional landscape of funding volatility and ideological disputes in nonprofit hybrid organizing Lunds universitet
Datum: 2022-05-09
- Wadell, Olof - The Road to Access: On Business Exchanges in the Setting of a Bankruptcy Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-09-23
- Schmuck, Alice - A Tale of Two Concepts: Exploring the Relationship between Firm Performance and Multinationality Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-09-30
- Sun, Yunchen - Designing Routines for Industrial Digitalization Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-10-21
- Johansson, Tore - Spänning i offentlig upphandling - Om användande av ett strategiverktyg Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2022-06-10
- Dagalp, Ileyha - Myth Aestheticization Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2022-04-21
- Abay, Zelalem - Essays on ESG disclosure, performance and assurance Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2022-04-21
- Johnstone, Leanne - The Limits of Control? The Role of Sustainability Control for Constructing Accountability within Organisations Örebro universitet
Datum: 2022-12-09
- Burneva, Petya - The Future that is my Present: Temporariness and Insecurity in Swedish Academia Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-03-25
- Kihlberg, Robert - Influence in sensemaking during change: a study of the Swedish police reform and subsequent change work Umeå universitet
Datum: 2021-11-18
- Norberg, Magnus - On Institutional Demands in Banking and the Exchange of Hard and Soft Accounting Information Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-04-08
- Walther, Kevin - Digital internationalization of SMEs: A phenomenon-based study on the video game industry Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-12-09
- Arsenovic, Jasenko - Proactivity in Service Failure and Service Recovery Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-10-29
- Molander, Sofia - Enacting, Enabling, and Embracing Market Orientation: A study of Public–Private Dyads Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-05-12
- Samuelsson, Peter - Framing service innovation in healthcare Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-03-09
- Davoudi, Sara - What happened with the leviathan of the Public Sector?: The challenges of vertical coordination in regional public organizations and its effect on public value Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-02-12
- Abadzhiev, Andrey - Wood We Change?: Business Model Innovation Towards Sustainability Transitions: Studying the Wood Construction Industry (Licentiate thesis) Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-12-17
- Brettmo, Alena - The role of influencing organisations in promoting sustainability of urban freight transport Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2021-12-07
- Storgård, Johan - Kreativ ångest : En kulturekonomisk studie av skådespelares kreativa processer Åbo Akademi
Datum: 2021-11-12
- Gorgijevski, Alexander - Enter the Dragon: Toward a Micro-political View on Subsidiary Initiatives Uppsala universitet 2021-06-14
Datum: 2021-06-14
- Engzell, Jeanette - Intrapreneurship as an Engine of Corporate Renewal: Exploring the Intrapreneur and How Corporate Conditions Influence Intrapreneurial Behavior Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2021-11-25
- Bankel, Robin - Responsibilisering - En studie av assistanssektorns kvasimarknad Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2021-10-15
- Huisman, Chelsey Jo - Transforming the City of Kiruna: Stabilizing Change and Changing Stability Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2021-12-02
- Basu, Eve-Michelle - Solving for ‘X’: Understanding New Venture Units Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2021-12-16
- Sandén, Johan - Närbyråkrater och digitaliseringar: Hur lärares arbete formas av tidsstrukturer Södertörns högskola
Datum: 2021-10-22
- Borell, Anton - In Between Competing Ideals: On the Relationships among Accounting, NPM, and Welfare Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2021-11-05
- Abadzhiev, Andrey - Wood We Change?: Business Model Innovation Towards Sustainability Transitions: Studying the Wood Construction Industry (Licentiate thesis) Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-12-17
- Abay, Zelalem - Essays on ESG disclosure, performance and assurance Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2022-04-21
- Anderson, Lakin - Tensions in Transdisciplinary Research: A study of a climate research group Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2023-05-29
- Akhtar, Reema - What if your world is outside the oyster? How highly educated and skilled first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs develop opportunities in knowledge-intensive sectors Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-03-20
- Aramian, Fatemeh - Off-exchange Trading in Modern Equity Markets. A Market Microstructure Perspective on Systematic Internalizers Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-01-10
- Arsenovic, Jasenko - Proactivity in Service Failure and Service Recovery Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-10-29
- Burneva, Petya - The Future that is my Present: Temporariness and Insecurity in Swedish Academia Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-03-25
- Brettmo, Alena - The role of influencing organisations in promoting sustainability of urban freight transport Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2021-12-07
- Baldauf, Christoph - Empirical Essays on Retail Logistics and Customer Behavior Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-01-27
- Barkfeldt, Carl - Asset Mispricing Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-03-11
- Birksjö, David - Innovative Security Business – Innovation, Standardization, and Industry Dynamics in the Swedish Security Sector, 1992–2012 Södertörns högskola
Datum: 2023-04-21
- Bankel, Robin - Responsibilisering - En studie av assistanssektorns kvasimarknad Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2021-10-15
- Basu, Eve-Michelle - Solving for ‘X’: Understanding New Venture Units Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2021-12-16
- Borell, Anton - In Between Competing Ideals: On the Relationships among Accounting, NPM, and Welfare Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2021-11-05
- Dam, Christian - The Resonance of Past-themed Consumption and Marketing Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-05-06
- Davoudi, Sara - What happened with the leviathan of the Public Sector?: The challenges of vertical coordination in regional public organizations and its effect on public value Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-02-12
- Dagalp, Ileyha - Myth Aestheticization Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2022-04-21
- Eiríksdóttir, Lovísa - Being at home in business education: ... with sustainability Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-03-22
- Ehnhage, Anna Felicia - Paradoxical consumer enjoyment. A cultural perspective on cigarette consumption Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2024-02-09
- Eriksson, Matilda - Entreprenörskapets tysta(de) röster. En narrativ studie om kvinnor som delar sitt liv med en man som är entreprenör Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-01-13
- Engzell, Jeanette - Intrapreneurship as an Engine of Corporate Renewal: Exploring the Intrapreneur and How Corporate Conditions Influence Intrapreneurial Behavior Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2021-11-25
- Gashi Nulleshi, Shqipe - Contextualizing Entrepreneurship and Gender: A Life-Story Approach to Rural Family Businesses in Sweden Linnéuniversitetet
Datum: 2023-10-02
- Gunnarsson, Pierre Erik - Ancillary actor relations: The case of EU’s leading defence primes Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-06-01
- Gorgijevski, Alexander - Enter the Dragon: Toward a Micro-political View on Subsidiary Initiatives Uppsala universitet 2021-06-14
Datum: 2021-06-14
- Hoff Rudhult, Maria - SIDA VID SIDA?: Svenska företag i biståndsverksamheten, 1946–2013 | 2023-06-12 Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2023-06-12
- Hornbach, Jessica Janina - Accounting for Accountability: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations of a Multifaceted Concept Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2023-04-24
- Huisman, Chelsey Jo - Transforming the City of Kiruna: Stabilizing Change and Changing Stability Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2021-12-02
- Johnstone, Leanne - The Limits of Control? The Role of Sustainability Control for Constructing Accountability within Organisations Örebro universitet
Datum: 2022-12-09
- Jönsson, Jayne - Logic Salience : Navigating in institutional landscape of funding volatility and ideological disputes in nonprofit hybrid organizing Lunds universitet
Datum: 2022-05-09
- Johansson, Tore - Spänning i offentlig upphandling - Om användande av ett strategiverktyg Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2022-06-10
- Morillas, Miguel - The Terms of Inclusion: How Migrant Professionals Negotiate Inclusion in Organizations Handelshögskolan Stockholm
Datum: 2023-06-02
- Mahieddine, Mohamed - Before Audit. Essays on the necessity of imagination Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-05-25
- Molander, Sofia - Enacting, Enabling, and Embracing Market Orientation: A study of Public–Private Dyads Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-05-12
- Norberg, Magnus - On Institutional Demands in Banking and the Exchange of Hard and Soft Accounting Information Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-04-08
- Nussipova, Gulnar - Unpacking the Value of Emerging Technologies. Experimentation, Communication and Knowledge Brokering Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-10-12
- Olsson, Amelia - Political Dimensions of Entrepreneurship – Exploring Competing Discourses in a Marginalized Urban Community Aspiring for Social Change Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-03-07
- Oljemark, Markus - Lonely in Company. A qualitative study of loneliness, belonging, and the passion for recognition at work. Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-09-15
- Södergren, Jonatan - "Woke" Authenticity in Brand Culture. A Patchwork Ethnography Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2022-02-01
- Samuelsson, Peter - Framing service innovation in healthcare Karlstad universitet
Datum: 2021-03-09
- Schmuck, Alice - A Tale of Two Concepts: Exploring the Relationship between Firm Performance and Multinationality Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-09-30
- Sun, Yunchen - Designing Routines for Industrial Digitalization Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-10-21
- Stoopendahl, Patrik - Tracing Smartphone-Enabled Customer Journeys: A Socio-Material Approach Högskolan i Borås
Datum: 2024-05-08
- Storgård, Johan - Kreativ ångest : En kulturekonomisk studie av skådespelares kreativa processer Åbo Akademi
Datum: 2021-11-12
- Sandén, Johan - Närbyråkrater och digitaliseringar: Hur lärares arbete formas av tidsstrukturer Södertörns högskola
Datum: 2021-10-22
- Wandery, Oscar - The Ecstasy of Tragedy. An Ethnograpy of Hospice Stockholms universitet
Datum: 2023-09-28
- Winell, Erik - Exploring Fan Engagement and Commercialization in Elite Football Göteborgs universitet
Datum: 2024-09-27
- Wadell, Olof - The Road to Access: On Business Exchanges in the Setting of a Bankruptcy Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-09-23
- Walther, Kevin - Digital internationalization of SMEs: A phenomenon-based study on the video game industry Uppsala universitet
Datum: 2022-12-09